Associated Initiatives - Narratives in Conflict
Anti-debate by Perspectiva and Jonathan Rowson - funded by the John Templeton Foundation
Street Epistemology https://streetepistemology.com/
The Narrative Transformation Lab (George Mason University): https://tntlab.carterschool.gmu.edu/
Sarah Federman: https://sarahfederman.com/ (Graduate George Mason University, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution)
Research References
Leading Articles And Papers Informing CollectiveNavigator's Design and Positioning
Narratives and Conflict
Peace-building Through Listening, Digital Storytelling, and Community Media in Cyprus John W. Higgins
The Role of Narrative in Managing Conflict and Supporting Peace - Institute For Integrated Transitions
Narrative as "Craft": Speaking of Violence: The Politics and Poetics of Narrative in Conflict Resolution - Sara Cobb
Engaging Narratives For Peace - Alliance for Peacebuilding and Partners Global
Narratives and Sensemaking
Making Sense of Sensemaking in Organization Studies; Andrew D. Brown, Ian Colville, & Annie Pye. Published in Organization Studies 2015
Senior Managers’ Sensemaking and Responses to Strategic Change. Julia Balogun, Jean M. Bartunek, Boram Do (2015) Organization Science 26(4):960-979
Wikipedia chapter on "Sensemaking".
Democratic Deliberation and Governance and
Rethinking Democratic Deliberation: The Limits and Potential of Citizen Participation. Article in Polity · July 2007
DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.polity.2300073 Shawn Rosenberg University of California, Irvine -
Untitled.Community: Web3 Might be Exciting, But Tech Alone Can't Fix Governance. Theo Cox and Geoff Mulgan
LifeItself Labs: Can new social and digital technologies transform governance? Theo Cox & Prof Geoff Mulgan Spring 2022
LifeItself Labs: Web3 provides better mechanisms for financializing non-financial value Theo Cox January 2023
Part of the wider project: "Making Sense of Web3 - The politics and economics of DAOs, crypto and blockchain": https://web3.lifeitself.org/