Collective-Navigator is an asynchronous narratives facilitation process flow design that:
Names upfront the competing political and power structures (1)
Offers a collective process for selecting the most relevant interpretation signifiers - from libraries of well established cognitive frameworks
Can be run in-person or online with sensemaking platforms (2).
(1) - Making a clear distinction from typical asymmetric survey or feedback 'gathering' processes and platforms
(2) - Recommended from suppliers such as SenseMaker® from Cynefin.io or leading narrative survey tools.

Generative Conflict Processing Building Blocks

Narratives Sensemaking
The narratives sensemaking field has a distinct positioning thanks to its grounding in the social sciences and in contemporary anthropological practices. With a clear set of principles as described by Weick, Snowden and Kurtz (Participatory Narrative Inquiry) we can understand and support complex human systems or ecologies. Further below is a just an extract of some of the principles that relate specifically to how we navigate social challenges in the Complex domain.
Key features in the method include self-interpretation of the narratives, to prompt cognition and reduce bias.
Ritual Dissent
Method from the Cynefin Framework
The Ritual Dissent promotes conflict as generative 'engagement' whereby a key parameter that we all struggle with - taking feedback personally - is handled in a safe container. The method encourages participants to challenge assumptions, explore different perspectives, and improve the quality of decision-making.
See the Cynefin.io wiki for more background here.
Rethinking Social Media and Narratives
Stepping towards Bohmian Dialogue
Based on the principles of narratives content from Jonathan Harris in rethinking social media.
from Disposibility to Timelessness
from Compression to Deepening
from Curation to Creation
from Self-Promotion to Self-Awareness
The Collective-Navigator project integrates the broader spectrum of narrative sharing, from live facilitation to text based entry, to video unconditional 'witnessing' portraits (ref. www.interiortruth.com)​. This access to a deeper 'felt sense' of narrative is seen as an important dimension of Bohmian dialogue principles.
Developmental Psychology Construct Theory
Within the 'narratives sensemaking' method, is the use of 'signifiers' through which the interpretation of the narratives can be processed - ideally as a self interpretation process. The library of signifiers is an essential design element, and an interactive functionality of their choice offers and engaging experience for participants.
The sourcing of the signifiers draws on the research from leading research in 'cognitive anthropology' and post-Piagetian continuous adult development, for example:
Otto Laske (The Dialectical Thought Form Framework (DTF)) and Michael Basseches
Narrative Sensemaking Principles - Complexity as Opportunity
The narratives sensemaking field has a distinct positioning thanks to its grounding in the social sciences and in contemporary anthropological practices. With a clear set of principles as described by Weick, Snowden and Kurtz (Participatory Narrative Inquiry) we can understand and support complex human systems or ecologies. Below is a just an extract of some of the principles that relate specifically to how we navigate social challenges in the Complex domain.
What is the Complex Domain?
The complexity sciences have received significant attention in the economics, social, military and organisational development sectors, with terms such as VUCA conditions (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous). Sensemaking (Weick, Klein, Snowden) has emerged as a set of principles and practices, that clarifies the nuances between those challenges that are convergent (where expert based analysis can lead to optimum solutions), and those that are divergent (context dependent, dynamic solutions). The latter category can be understood particularly in terms of Complex Adaptive Systems, that display 'anthro-complexity' of autonomous, self-actualising actors.
The Cynefin Framework (Snowden) is one of the leading references in distinguishing these domains.
With its origins in organisational development, social and anthropological sciences, there is a now a large research and literature base from the past 50 years of its emergence. References to some key publications in sensemaking can be found below.

Participants are in control of the narrative interpretation process, and the results meaning-making. This means that external 'experts' are disintermediated as far possible, reducing bias at both input and results interpretation ends.

Weak signal detection...sample sizes...leading vs. lagging indicators

The narratives interpretation trade-off questions stimulate new levels of cognitive refelction. Participants gain personal insight from the very process of completing their responses

Complex systems are defined by their constant dynamic, in negotiating and adapting to internal and external tensions. They can be between competing (but equally valid) values or perspectives. Sensemakng leverages these tensions at the heart of its interpretation framework.

Complex systems cannot be measured with absolute scales...quantative analysis is still possible thanks to the interpretation frameworks, delivering 'directionality' insight

Complex systems can't be understood by analysing the parts and then reassembling. Sensemaking uses narratives as one of the most powerful ways of observing systems in context.
Narratives, sensemaking and complexity references:
The Imperative Beyond Big Data
Society and business are facing major ethical questions as data becomes more pervasive, and our lives and services are delivered according to intelligent software platforms. Sensemaking incorporates the lived experience and will be an important
Cathy O'Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Crown Publishing Group New York, NY, USA 2016
ISBN:0553418815 9780553418811-
O'Neil, a mathematician, analyses how the use of big data and algorithms in a variety of fields, including insurance, advertising, education, and policing, can lead to decisions that harm the poor, reinforce racism, and amplify inequality.