There are various highs and lows in the creation journey of our company, but what is fascinating is that over the months and years, how the vision comes back to me with a certain consistency.
In moments of deep reflection and meditation, the words and vision appear with a force of their own, and I'm compelled to write them down.
Inevitably, one tweaks, rewrites, repositions the business plan, being pulled in so many directions and so many sources of inspiration. But there are moments of coherence, where a vision and the strategy words come to mind, only for me to realise just how they resonate with strategy formulations created many months previously.
This is the case from a strategy workshop in Paris in May 2019, resonating with my meditation notes from this week.

The above schema captures how we can bring together key research and schools-of-practice influences, in particular developmental psychology (Kegan, Fischer, Fowler) and narratives Sensemaking in complexity (Weick and Snowden) / Participatory Narrative Inquiry (Kurtz).
One of the challenges in working with the principles that the above research and frameworks bring, is how broad the range of applications are.
Our ideas on the brainstorming schema present facilitation processes through to software platforms that range from the micro team level development, through to social/community even politics.
For the moment at least, the flagpole in the sand amongst the vast community of complexity agents, changemakers and social activists, is the proposal to coin the term 'Developmental Sensemaking'. The term brings together the two fields of developmental psychology and narratives sensemaking, where the narratives self reflection process is scaffolded by signification frameworks that are consciously designed from researchers such as Robert Kegan, Bill Torbert and Susan Cook-Greuter.