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"You should work with me." My practice with the goddess Psyche - Stuart Davis
Stuart Davis

"You should work with me." My practice with the goddess Psyche - Stuart Davis

"You should work with me." My practice with the goddess Psyche - Stuart Davis

"The universe is magical and Psyche is my guide in its re-enchantment." Stuart Davis

"It's impossible not to be at one with our environment through the breath" - Psyche as the goddess of respiration. Stuart Davis

"If the devine feminine does not return to its natural place in the order of what it is to be a human being, we are well and truly f***ed." Stuart Davis

"I don't need any more emptiness" - my meditation practice with the goddess Psyche. Stuart Davis

Full Edit - Re-enchanting the cosmos with the goddess Psyche - Stuart Davis

Comme présenté dans Tyler Portrait Series 
(Projets artistiques de John Oliver)

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