How dare I step into the religious realm or domain to even entertain a notion that this type of witnessing process might be a sacred practice?
Yet, here are a few thoughts emerging from the powerful resonance inside me when I heard a fellow filming practitioner use that word (see here for a Zoom edit of fellow filming practitioners relating their experience of the filming practice). Clearing away the practical stresses and efforts needed to get a film together, not to mention the technical elements of the filming equipment and configurations, plus the often long editing process...the golden thread of what we are doing here having a sacred label to it brings an incredible sense of clarity, reassure and confirmation.
I'm using an image from Hilma af Klint, since this is the artists referred to by a recent filming subject who also referred to 'thank you for creating this sacred space [of silence / witnessing]".
It is by coincidence the same image on the cover of one of the most important books in my life, Sex, Ecology and Spirituality by Ken Wilber.
(Image rights labeled for non-commercial re-use: Photo: Albin Dahlström/Moderna Museet)
