Sensemaking in Complexity - made simple
Taking sensemaking principles, practices and tools towards a 'science' of narrative, integrating qualitative intelligence for change agents, investors, organisational development and collective action

See our manifesto here for The Right Side of AI in Sensemaking:
Integrating LLMs and Symbolic AI With Complexity Principles, Cognitive
Frameworks and Participatory Inquiry For A New Generation of Sensemaking
Discourse collapses when parties entrench into certain truth claims. A bold new approach is offered to segment the origins of our truths and invite more nuanced understanding as to both how we are thinking, and why.
Signification across the key domains of sensemaking - the Good (moral), the True (rational) and the Beautiful (aesthetics).
Our society is seeking urgently in how to come together in new ways, with the current cognitive dissonance of our cultural, political and governance failings.
Support collective decision making (e.g. policy building) integrating competing political views.
Enhance social deliberation with large-scale online conversations

Narratives In Action
"Seeing 'another' (both individuals and collectives) through our highly contextual and dynamic narratives. Sense emerges mutually, through interpretation schema (signifiers as cognitive scaffolding) that map our naturally competing interests, preferences and priorities.
Our Story:
From survey data collection and reporting, to rich conversation platforms
We have been working in NGOs, organisational development and survey research for the past 15+ years, with clients of 100k+ employees. We've lived through the evolution of ethnography, anthropology, survey tools and data analytics, to now leverage the power of narrative based Sensemaking principles.
Our Vision:
New opportunities in self-reflection and meaning making in discourse
With multi-disciplinary influences from the social and complexity sciences, our vision is a new generation of collective cognition - offering a 'Knowing From Within" through discourse vs the application of linear and supposedly objective "data-driven" based approaches.
A revolution in integrating qualtitative and quantitative data, to the new frontiers of 'Thick Data'
Our platform uses natural language, multi-media technology with breakthrough techniques for interactive self-interpretation, reflection and signification. Realtime access to a results dashboard tailored to the client provides a democratisation of the data and platform for collective meaning making.
Our Delivery And Research Partners
Previous Narrative and Ritual Dissent Projects (As Human-Equity Ltd)
In organisational development and change

Global HQ:
Multi-application employee feedback

International college - NL:
360 narratives leadership feedback

Car Leasing Multinational - NL: Change management narratives

Worker's Union - Norway:
Members feedback

The Performance Theatre - run by Xynteo:
Ritual dissent narratives facilitation
Narratives in Decision Making

Founder narratives and profiling

Narratives in investment team decision-making

Founder narratives and profiling

Narratives in investment team decision-making