Yousuf Karsh CC, was an Armenian-Canadian photographer known for his portraits of notable individuals (from Churchill to Picasso, Hemingway to Hepburn). He has been described as one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 20th century. I totally love his qoute below:
"There is a brief moment when all there is in a man's mind and soul and spirit is reflected through his eyes, his hands, his attitude. This is the moment to record."
Are we on the cusp of being in the art of capturing soul now on video?

I'm equally inspired by the stories behind such photographers as Mario Testino. I loved his BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Disc piece, and Platon Antoniou, photographer of figures from Clinton to Gaddafi (as featured in the Netflix documentary, clip here)
What exactly is their craft? Their secrets? It seems so subtle, yet so obvious. Can anyone attain such skills and presence?
I'm in the process of curating the pointers they offer. More to follow!